Dr. J.T. Cooper and his staff have been working with overweight patients since 1962. We have offices in Albany, Griffin, and Marietta, as well as our newest office in Lake Park. We are still on a first come, first served basis in Lake Park.
Our philosophy about treating obesity is that we provide each patient with the tools necessary to take off ALL their unwanted pounds of fat and then to help each one KEEP it off from then on.
You are seen by a physician every time you come in for an appointment. I respect nurses and work with them, but they are NOT doctors. We feel that if you pay a treatment fee you should see a real physician every time you come in to our offices for your appointment. We use a combination of nutrition, exercise, behavior modification and patient-controlled conditioning, with the aim to produce slimmer and healthier bodies and happier patients. We use medications if requested and evaluate each patient's need for medication help, so that need can be met safely and efficiently.
We have several diets we use, depending on the ability to do follow-up and the patient's preference in each individual case. We now have a special line of diet cookies, food bars, milk shakes and snacks at all four offices.